Day Support & Activities

Employment Enterprises, Inc. (EEI) is proud to provide day supports, formerly known as day training and habilitation or day hab, for adults with intellectual and development disabilities and mental illness in Little Falls, Morrison County, MN. These programs offer friendship, community, and a supportive context to improve social and life skills.

A young woman with a paint brush and artist's palette smiles at the camera.

Our day support and activities are offered through three programs at EEI: the Bridge, the Gap, and the Discovery. Each program is tailored to the unique personalities of the participants, focusing on their individual preferences and interests.

What are day support services?

A client poses with a staff member.

Definition according to the Minnesota Department of Human Services Community-Based Services Manual (CBSM): Day support services: Individualized, community-based training and support services that help a person develop and maintain essential and personally enriching life skills so they can access and participate in activities they prefer in their community.

Our Day Support Programs

The Bridge Program

The Bridge program is currently housed in the 405 Ninth Avenue, Northwest building across from EEI’s main site in Little Falls, Minnesota. The Bridge program is intended for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) with high behavioral needs. While at the program individuals participate in activities focusing on social and communication skills, positive adaptive behaviors, expanding independence, and expanding community engagement. Onsite activities include completing puzzles, playing games, sorting colors and shapes, planting, and going on walks. Community engagement activities include going to local and state parks and gardens, getting gym time in at the local health and wellness center, volunteering and much more. Individuals participate to have positive interactions with peers, have a presence in the community, and have fun!

The Gap Programs

Previously downtown, the Gap recently made a move to EEI’s main site in Little Falls, Minnesota. The Gap program is intended for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who no longer wish to work, and individuals who are aging, have dementia, and have higher medical needs. At the Gap program individuals want socialization, to improve dexterity, and to improve cognitive growth. While at the program individuals focus on activities in the community and in center. Community activities include visits to parks, stores, volunteering, and visiting people in the community that individuals have built relationships with. In center activities include exercise class, cooking, crafting, self-care, group activities and games, as well as independent activities. Individuals participate in the program to network with their peers and enjoy socialization. 

The Discovery Program

The Discovery program is EEI’s newest day support program. Discovery recently moved from EEI’s main site to 119 Broadway Avenue East in downtown, Little Falls, MN. The Discovery program is intended for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are seeking community involvement. While at the program individuals focus on being in the community by visiting local and state parks to be in nature and play outdoor games. Individuals like to go fishing, go bowling, volunteer, and see exhibits at local fairs, sometimes entering projects themselves. Individuals also focus on social skills while spending time together in cooking, baking, crafting, and exercising classes. Individuals participate to feel better about themselves, build social skills, make friends, build teamwork, be involved in the community and have fun!

Transitions LLC

Transitions LLC is a separate company that contracts with EEI to provide services to individuals on EEI’s waiting list. It is run by Pam Baltes, EEI’s previous Executive Director. All individuals served are under EEI’s license. Transitions LLC supports individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and mental illnesses through day support services with the intention of transitioning the individual’s services to EEI’s other day support programs. Individuals spend their time enjoying activities focusing on community outings similar to EEI’s other day support programs.