Welcome to the new website!

Welcome to the new website, we are excited you are here!

Our website has been updated, bringing it into the future with a sleek modern look.

You can find all the information you need about our organization, from the programs we offer, who to contact if you have any questions, and ways to support us. Click through the new pages to explore new content and photos.

Learn more about what services we provide for adults with disabilities and mental illnesses. Look to our recycling services and staffing solutions pages to learn how we can provide services for your unique business needs. Share in our excitement over our success stories. Discover who makes up our Board of Directors and leadership team. Explore a career with EEI. Look for ways to get involved.

Special Thanks

We couldn’t have done this without support from our Board, employees, donors, grantors, consultants, and website gurus. A special thank you to Sourcewell for granting funds for Remote Services, Janet at Janet Cobb Consulting for endowment fund mentorship and guidance, and Cary at Copilot for all the beautiful designs and incredible web design knowledge and skills.

Thank you all and cheers to the future of the new, cohesive, and welcoming website!

Check back frequently for news and updates.


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